Being the biggest nutrition company in the world, Nestle at some point practically adresses people of all ages, social and professional background. On the other hand, as seen in the researches obesity problems strike everyone, even kids. Being a strategic partner of the company since 2002, APRA Porter Novelli was entrusted the elaboration and implementation ot LIVE ACTIVELY – a project, that focuses on the problems of obesity and sedentary lifestyle and offer a simple, elegant and pleasant solution to everyone by involving directly as many people as possible, focusing media attention on the problems of obesity and sedentary lifestyle, provide newsworthy mass public events with celebrity endorsements for national media to cover and analyze, communicate at all levels the benefits of phisical activities and approproate nutrition, etc. The main idea of the project is to initiate annual event that raises public awareness on the active lifestyle and promotes the benefits of physical activities in urban environment.