Global public relations leader Porter Novelli announced today that it has been named agency of record for the 2009 BlogWorld & New Media Expo in Las Vegas, which runs October 15 to October 17. The event is dedicated to promoting the dynamic industry of blogging and new media as a mainstream news source, as the most powerful and effective means of online communication and as a highly targeted and traceable advertising medium. “Conversations are at the heart of new media, and BlogWorld & New Media Expo attracts people who are having some of the most interesting and influential conversations today,” said Stephanie Agresta, social media expert and executive vice president, global director of digital strategy and social media for Porter Novelli. “We are thrilled to be named agency of record for such an exciting and important event in the social media world.” BlogWorld attendees are aggressive technology consumers and mobile professionals, as well as the world’s most influential online content creators, citizen journalists, technology consumers and online community leaders. In 2008, BlogWorld attendees had a combined monthly audience of more than 100 million readers, viewers and listeners. For the 2009 Expo, BlogWorld anticipates more than 4,000 attendees with a reach in excess of 200 million. “We have been impressed with Porter Novelli’s work in the social media space for quite some time,” said Rick Calvert, CEO and co-founder, BlogWorld & New Media Expo. “The agency’s expertise in this segment, together with our long-time ally Stephanie now being on their team, makes Porter Novelli a perfect match for us. We know they are committed to our success and to social media as a whole,” Calvert added. Porter Novelli is a leader in social media and is committed to revolutionizing public relations and communications. For BlogWorld & New Media Expo, the agency will partner with SHIFT Communications to provide media outreach, on-site support and creative contributions.
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