[h3]The Implications of the “Outernet” on Culture and Commerce On Tuesday, January 19th, 2009[/h3] Porter Novelli will host two events focusing on Augmented Reality (AR), an emerging technology that allows for digital images and information to be overlaid on smart phone screens or computer monitors. While still an emerging technology, many major players in retail and technology are executing successful AR campaigns that move beyond catchy 3-D graphics to deliver ROI by connecting to people’s social networks and providing clear incentives to purchase. Go Back John C. Havens, SVP of social media at Porter Novelli, will lead an internal panel during the day with guests from AR companies like acrossair, metaio and ogmento, and will host The Augmented Reality New York Meetup Group in the evening. “At Porter Novelli we believe that AR is going to fundamentally change the way brands communicate with consumers,” said Havens. “AR provides a ‘touchstone technology’ that layers geo-data, social networking and location-based advertising in a seamless format for consumers. The ramifications for advertising and the idea of ‘virtual air rights,’ combined with myriad B2B and B2C applications, will provide our clients with a wide range of exciting opportunities in the near future.” John has been quoted in iMedia and Technology News about Augmented Reality and recently moderated a panel on the topic during Web 2.Open. Click here to see a variety of videos from Porter Novelli about AR on our YouTube channel.
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